London, St. Pancras Station Re-opening Night Party - Eurostar's New Home |
Palaces of Transport
Train stations are the gateway to the city, and are some of the most exciting places to experience. Monumental structures, grand spaces, and the constant movement of people and trains makes for an exhilarating experience. Modern or historic, great train stations add another level of excitement to traveling.
"Since the world's first railway station, Darlington, opened in 1826, stations have always maintained a special place in the public's affection. The lure of the great railway terminus has always been especially strong: the breathtaking grandeur, swagger and opulence of the architecture inextricably fused with the dizzying prospects of adventure, romance, escape or challenge offered by far-flung destinations." -Steven Parissien, Station to Station
London |
Paris |
"It's been proven around the world that high speed rail stations have the power to transform a city and bring tremendous economic and quality-of-life benefits" -Roelof van Ark, California HSR Authority
France - new Avignon station |
Monaco, The Riviera |
Switzerland |
United Kingdom |
Germany |
Italy |
Italy - new station design, Florence |
France - Paris |
Belgium |
France |
China, new Beijing HSR station |
Beijing station interior |
The exotic art of station architecture |
| |
California high speed rail... coming soon. (Photo source: NC3D) |
Paris |
US HSR. Making it happen.